Sunday, December 13, 2009


Last Thursday night was officially my LAST night sleeping in the trailer. We'll be moving to Rexburg the end of the month, and until camping season, we will not live in the trailer. I'm a little more than excited!
I feel bad at times that I complain too much about the trailer, but it truly has been a blessing to have. It has saved us a lot of money and helped us out a lot these past few months. I'm excited to have it for camping. Now camping will be lot's of fun! :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

William eating=BIG MESS!!!

William loves to grab his spoon whlie I feed him. This makes it extremely difficult to feed him without a massive mess. Sometimes I give up the fight an djust let him get it all over himself. Here he is literally covered in oatmeal cereal. He had tons on his face and all over in his hair. I had to take a pic before I cleaned him up. I wouldn't care too much that he does this, except when he eats he also likes to rub his eyes. So, when he has food all over his hands and then rubs his eyes, it is not good.

This isn't a messy picture, but I like it. Clearly William was much more interested in something else besides food.

All ready for lunch!

Back to the trailer we go

And I couldn't be happier that we are moving back into our trailer. Only because, the reason we will be living in it, is because we are moving back to Twin Falls so Kirk can work at Sportsmans again!!!!

We're cheaters and have been neglecting our trailer and living in Kirk's parents house. We are packing up the trailer and moving to Twin tomorrow afternoon. We are so blessed! We have been out of work for over a month now, and we've just been praying and praying that something would work out. Kirk had the thought to see if he could go back to Sportsmans, and BAM! we have a job! :)

Despite all the problems and stresses we've had with our trailer, it truly has been a blessing to have. We were able to live in it and not pay for a hotel room while in Rexburg looking for housing and jobs. Now we will have a place to live in while Kirk works in Twin. If we didn't have our trailer I don't think we could have gone back to Sportsmans. Heavenly Father sure does work in mysterious ways :) Never thought I'd be so gratful to have a 22' camp trailer as a home!

So, to all of you reading this...the Lord does answer prayers. Don't ever forget that! It may not come quickly, or with out lot's of work, faith and patience, but he will never desert you. My faith has been tested more in these last couple months than it ever has in my entire life. I'm sure glad I didn't give up. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband to support me when I feel like quitting.

All in all, have faith..even if it's as small as a mustard seed.