Sunday, November 8, 2009


FINALLY, I have pictures! My pictures from my camera weren't working, so here are ones from my phone. Things in the trailer are going rather well. We are still working on getting our hot waterr heater fixed, so the trailer is parked at Kirk's parents house so we can use their shower. We are back living in the trailer now which is actually really nice. It's nice to have our own little place. It's very peaceful. We were actually thinking about pulling the trailer up to Rexburg and living in it, since we have no where to live, but we don't know where we'll park it because all the rv campgrounds are closed for the winter. Anyone know where we could park it?

Here is William this morning right before we left for chuch. I absolutely LOVE this outfit!!! Thanks to Melissa for buying it for him.

Here he is sleeping in the trailer a couple months ago. He sure loves having blankets by his face when he sleeps

I was doing laundry and had to carry the laundry and William out to the trailer, so I just decided to put him in the laundry basket. He really loved it! I love his cute little feet sticking out. :)

Jammin' on my ipod while cleaning the trailer.

William trying out his new high chair we bought a couple months ago. It's so perfect for living in a trailer. Such a space saver!

This is when we were first living in the trailer when it was really hot, and before we got our ac working.

When he first discovered his toes at the end of the summmer

All cuddled up in his blankets

I was changing his shirt and thought it was so funny that he looked like baby yoda!

This is William in I think September. I took this right when he woke up..that's when he's the happiest.

Does this look like trailer trash to you?? Just to prove to everyone (Kierst), that I'm not trailer trash, haha!

Kirk in his tractor during grain harvest


William is always so interested in my phone

My two handsome boys all ready for church

And the grand of our NOT trailer trash home! :)

Aren't those stickers lovely?

On our way to Aberdeen! Notice that Kirk's car is a lot higher in the front than in the back.

Soooo....What'd ya think?? =)


  1. Enjoyed the pics. cute william. Pictures are the best keep taking them. Oh, aurora is sleeping i better get homework done.

  2. It's been fun seeing the pictures, especially your smile, and you guys seem to be doing well.
