Sunday, December 13, 2009


Last Thursday night was officially my LAST night sleeping in the trailer. We'll be moving to Rexburg the end of the month, and until camping season, we will not live in the trailer. I'm a little more than excited!
I feel bad at times that I complain too much about the trailer, but it truly has been a blessing to have. It has saved us a lot of money and helped us out a lot these past few months. I'm excited to have it for camping. Now camping will be lot's of fun! :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

William eating=BIG MESS!!!

William loves to grab his spoon whlie I feed him. This makes it extremely difficult to feed him without a massive mess. Sometimes I give up the fight an djust let him get it all over himself. Here he is literally covered in oatmeal cereal. He had tons on his face and all over in his hair. I had to take a pic before I cleaned him up. I wouldn't care too much that he does this, except when he eats he also likes to rub his eyes. So, when he has food all over his hands and then rubs his eyes, it is not good.

This isn't a messy picture, but I like it. Clearly William was much more interested in something else besides food.

All ready for lunch!

Back to the trailer we go

And I couldn't be happier that we are moving back into our trailer. Only because, the reason we will be living in it, is because we are moving back to Twin Falls so Kirk can work at Sportsmans again!!!!

We're cheaters and have been neglecting our trailer and living in Kirk's parents house. We are packing up the trailer and moving to Twin tomorrow afternoon. We are so blessed! We have been out of work for over a month now, and we've just been praying and praying that something would work out. Kirk had the thought to see if he could go back to Sportsmans, and BAM! we have a job! :)

Despite all the problems and stresses we've had with our trailer, it truly has been a blessing to have. We were able to live in it and not pay for a hotel room while in Rexburg looking for housing and jobs. Now we will have a place to live in while Kirk works in Twin. If we didn't have our trailer I don't think we could have gone back to Sportsmans. Heavenly Father sure does work in mysterious ways :) Never thought I'd be so gratful to have a 22' camp trailer as a home!

So, to all of you reading this...the Lord does answer prayers. Don't ever forget that! It may not come quickly, or with out lot's of work, faith and patience, but he will never desert you. My faith has been tested more in these last couple months than it ever has in my entire life. I'm sure glad I didn't give up. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband to support me when I feel like quitting.

All in all, have faith..even if it's as small as a mustard seed.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


FINALLY, I have pictures! My pictures from my camera weren't working, so here are ones from my phone. Things in the trailer are going rather well. We are still working on getting our hot waterr heater fixed, so the trailer is parked at Kirk's parents house so we can use their shower. We are back living in the trailer now which is actually really nice. It's nice to have our own little place. It's very peaceful. We were actually thinking about pulling the trailer up to Rexburg and living in it, since we have no where to live, but we don't know where we'll park it because all the rv campgrounds are closed for the winter. Anyone know where we could park it?

Here is William this morning right before we left for chuch. I absolutely LOVE this outfit!!! Thanks to Melissa for buying it for him.

Here he is sleeping in the trailer a couple months ago. He sure loves having blankets by his face when he sleeps

I was doing laundry and had to carry the laundry and William out to the trailer, so I just decided to put him in the laundry basket. He really loved it! I love his cute little feet sticking out. :)

Jammin' on my ipod while cleaning the trailer.

William trying out his new high chair we bought a couple months ago. It's so perfect for living in a trailer. Such a space saver!

This is when we were first living in the trailer when it was really hot, and before we got our ac working.

When he first discovered his toes at the end of the summmer

All cuddled up in his blankets

I was changing his shirt and thought it was so funny that he looked like baby yoda!

This is William in I think September. I took this right when he woke up..that's when he's the happiest.

Does this look like trailer trash to you?? Just to prove to everyone (Kierst), that I'm not trailer trash, haha!

Kirk in his tractor during grain harvest


William is always so interested in my phone

My two handsome boys all ready for church

And the grand of our NOT trailer trash home! :)

Aren't those stickers lovely?

On our way to Aberdeen! Notice that Kirk's car is a lot higher in the front than in the back.

Soooo....What'd ya think?? =)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Living in a trailer isn't so bad....

when you're not living in it. :) Recently, we've been staying at Kirk's parents house. As you all know, we have had many problems with our trailer. The latest problem is that our water pump broke. Actually, before that, our water heater stopped working...

The water heater on our trailer is a propane one. We got it working once, but it was kind of dangerous. It kind of started a little fire on the side of our trailer (just where the water heater was, so not too big of a deal, except it melted the knobs in there). Anyway, he tried to get it lit after that and I think it worke once, but never again. Therefore, we were without warm water. So for the past 2 months, we'e been taking cold showers. Don't worry, I bathed William at Kirk's parents house every couple of days, so he got warm baths. Ya know, cold showers actually aren't s bad as they sound. It's pretty freezing at first, but then after a couple minutes you don't really notice it anymore. Anyway, we FINALLY got a water heater (after it being backordered for a few more weeks). Kirk got that all installed and then guess what...our water pump broke!

We finally got our water pump the other day (after it somehow got shipped to our old house in Twin). It's hard with all these things breaking, because since both Kirk and I are working 10-14 hour work days, so the only time he can fix anything on the trailer is either late Saturday nights or on Sunday. We moved the trailer back to Kirk's parents house so we could have water and all that . Kirk got the pump installed today (after a few complications) and now we have water, and hot water! Life is good :) We're planning on keeping the trailer parked at Kirk's parents house to save some money on food and everything. We'll live in our trailer so we'll still have our privacy and everything, but I think we'll save money this way.

Well, that's the update on our life in the trailer.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Another leak

There is another leak in our trailer. Just as it seems like everything is finally fixed, we find another leak in the trailer. It's good we don't have to pay rent so we can affor to fix everything. It's getting kinda annoying though. I feel so bad because I don't know how to fix any of the stuff, so after Kirk gets home from working a 14 hour day, he has to work on our trailer. Everything that goes on an rv/camp trailer is different than anything else. It's all made specifically for for rv's and extra expensive. Hopefully after we get this leak fixed, we'll get a little break from problems with the trailer.
Other than that, I LOVE living in our trailer. Life is so simplified. It's great. We don't have a lot of storage space, so we didn't pack a lot of our dishes in the trailer. We just have our camp dishes, camping pots/pans, and a few utensils, etc. We don't have a dishwasher, but we didn't have one in our last place so nothing has changed there. It's no big deal doing dishes, because with only a few dishes, it only takes a few minutes. :)
Kirk installed a great air conditioner in our trailer that actually keeps it cooler than our old house was. He also installed 2 solar panels on the roof to charge our batteries. He is such a great husband and has really made our trailer a home. Now we just need to get some insulated curtains made to keep the heat in in the winter. Kirk's mom will help me with that, so I guess I'll be learning how to sew.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Small Town

Ya know, living in a trailer really isn't that bad. The real trial here is living in a small (tiny) town! There are no stores! There's a Stokes grocery store, but it's way over priced. The closest Winco is Pocatello (45 min), the closest Walmart is Blackfoot(30 min). Those are the 2 stores I shop at the most. It's hard because you have to plan way ahead so you can get everything in one trip. I'm use to just driving to the store and being there in 5 minutes. It's be ok if it was just me, but it's hard having to take William with me because I have to schedule my trip around his eating schedule. I can't tell you how many times I've had to drive and find a secluded parking lot to feed him in. I guess I'll get use to this sooner or later, it just stinks!
I don't really have a desire to live in a big city, but I have NO desire to live in a small town lik this! Somewhere in between (like Twin Falls..ahh, I miss you Twin Falls). Well I better go, William is over in his bed talking cute! :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

The first 2 weeks

Well this officially starts my NOT trailer trash blog! :)

As most of you know, we are now living in a trailer, that is. I prefer to call it a mobile home, haha. It's a 1974 Shasta camp trailer that is 19 ft. long. It's not so pretty on the outside (about 30+ dutch bros bumper stickers), but the inside has been all re-done, so it's pretty nice. It's all self contained, so no worries, we do have plumbing, hot water, ac, and a heater (brand new) crazy people thinking we'd live in a trailer with no hot water and all that. It even has a bathtub, something our old house didn't have! No dishwasher, but that's no different then before, so no worries. Dishes aren't actually that bad though, because we only brought our camp dishes and camping pots and pans, and the bare necessities for other cooking items. I was a little sad I couldn't bring my kitchen aid, but I'll survive..I hope. Kinda funny, after I decided I wasn't bringing my kitchen aid and that I'd have to use my electric hand mixer instead, I realized that I had already packed my hand mixer...hmm, guess I'll be doing it old school. There isn't much storage, but it's doable. We only brought what we needed..Kirk says it's like a 6 month long camping trip..yipee.

Now, some of you reading this may be thinking...why in the heck are you living in a camp trailer?! Well, I have a good reason for was a much better option than living out on the streets or in our car. We've moved from Twin Falls to Aberdeen for work. Kirk is now working for his Uncle, farming. He is making the same amout per hour, but he can work 12-14 hour days compared to only 8 at Sportsman's. Therefore, more money. Also, by doing this I can now be a stay at home Mom! Yay, I LOVE it! I was telling Kirk, it's the hardest I've ever worked at a job..but it's the BEST job! I couldn't be happier. I am so less stressed now, which is nice. I'm still selling Avon of course, so no worries :) I will be starting an Avon blog soon, just to let you know. Anyway........
So we fasted and prayed about our decision to move here and felt really good about it. We couldn't find anywhere to rent in Aberdeen (we even considered buying), so we looked in American Falls. We looked at a little tiny 1 bedroom house (about 500 sq. ft.). It was smaller than our old house which I didn't know was possible. The lady was pretty nice and even knew Kirk's grandma, so I thought, awesome, we'll probably get it...nope! She rented it out to someone who will be there longer (we only need it until the end of the year). We then found some apartments in American Falls, but they were just under $500 a month for a 2 bedroom. Sounds like a good deal to all you Californian's, but that is A LOT more than we were payign for rent, so we didn't want to do that, and there were some other problems getting the apartment, so that didn't work out. That's when Kirk brought up the idea of a camp trailer, and now, here we are.

It was actually a real miracle that we were able to even buy the trailer. We paid cash for it, so there's no debt or anything, and we don't have to pay rent for the next 4 months!! At the end of the month, we NEVER have extra money, but somehow it worked out that we had all the money we needed for the trailer. We didn't have a whole lot leftover, but enough to get by. That was a testimony to me that the trailer was the right thing for us to do. Man, paying your tithing sure does bring blessings, I promise you that!

We moved out from our old apartment about a week and a half ago. We just moved to Aberdeen Sunday night, so while we were in Twin still we had the trailer parked in front of our friends house. For the time being it is now parked at Kirk's parents house. We'll hopefully be moving it this weekend or in the next week. It's been great living in it. Of course, I spend most of my time in Kirk's parents house, so it's not that bad.

I better go jump in the shower, I have a busy day ahead of me. Keep reading my blog as I update it on a regular basis. I'm sure it will be interesting to hear about the interesting experience I am going to in a camp trailer.

Oh yea, I have pictures coming soon, sorry to keep you waiting!